Machine (P#0 total=16777216KB DMIProductName=H8QM8 DMIProductVersion=1234567890 DMIBoardVendor=Supermicro DMIBoardName=H8QM8 DMIBoardVersion=1234567890 DMIBoardAssetTag="To Be Filled By O.E.M." DMIChassisVendor="To Be Filled By O.E.M." DMIChassisType=3 DMIChassisVersion="To Be Filled By O.E.M." DMIChassisAssetTag="To Be Filled By O.E.M." DMIBIOSVendor="American Megatrends Inc." DMIBIOSVersion="080014 " DMIBIOSDate=12/20/2008 DMISysVendor=Supermicro Backend=Linux LinuxCgroup=/prout) NUMANode L#0 (P#0) PU L#0 (P#0) PU L#1 (P#1) PU L#2 (P#2) PU L#3 (P#3) NUMANode L#1 (P#1) NUMANode L#2 (P#2 local=8388608KB total=8388608KB) NUMANode L#3 (P#3 local=8388608KB total=8388608KB) depth 0: 1 Machine (type #1) depth 1: 4 NUMANode (type #2) depth 2: 4 PU (type #6) relative latency matrix between NUMANodes (depth 1) by logical indexes: index 0 1 2 3 0 1.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 1 2.000 1.000 2.000 2.000 2 2.000 2.000 1.000 2.000 3 2.000 2.000 2.000 1.000 12 processors not represented in topology: 0x0000fff0 12 processors online but not allowed: 0x0000fff0 Topology not from this system