/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2021 the Network-Based Computing Laboratory * (NBCL), The Ohio State University. * * Contact: Dr. D. K. Panda (panda@cse.ohio-state.edu) * * For detailed copyright and licensing information, please refer to the * copyright file COPYRIGHT in the top level OMB directory. */ #include "osu_util.h" #define UPC_LOOP_SMALL 1000 #define UPC_LOOP_LARGE 100 #define UPC_SKIP_SMALL 200 #define UPC_SKIP_LARGE 10 #define MYBUFSIZE_MR (MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE * OSHM_LOOP_LARGE_MR + MESSAGE_ALIGNMENT_MR) #define SYNC_MODE (UPC_IN_ALLSYNC | UPC_OUT_ALLSYNC) void usage_oshm_pt2pt(int myid); void print_header_pgas (const char *header, int rank, int full); void print_data_pgas (int rank, int full, int size, double avg_time, double min_time, double max_time, int iterations); void print_usage_pgas(int rank, const char * prog, int has_size); void print_version_pgas(const char *header);